Relatório PINTANDO O ARCO-ÍRIS: COMO A LIBERDADE LGBTI DE EXPRESSÃO ARTÍSTICA É NEGADA que analisa como a discriminação com base na identidade particularmente contra artistas LGBTI e obras de arte com temas LGBTI se manifesta em diferentes países em todo o mundo. Edição Brasil realizada com apoio do Centro Cultural da Diversidade e Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de São Paulo. Tradução: Renata Laureano e Patricia Baker Upton (Adverbum). Para baixar o material clique aqui.

Download the report in English here.

On 10 December, honouring Human Rights Day 2020, Freemuse launched its premier report on LGBTI artists, art and artistic freedom, Painting the Rainbow: How LGBTI Freedom of Artistic Expression is Denied.

The report highlights 149 acts of artistic violations against LGBTI persons and art documented by Freemuse between January 2018 and June 2020.

“Freedom of artistic expression of LGBTI artists is freedom of artistic expression of everyone. It is alarming to witness this large scale of illegitimate restrictions of LGBTI artistic freedom including in Europe,” said Dr Srirak Plipat, Freemuse Executive Director. “At least 77 countries use criminalisation of homosexuality laws, criminal codes, and the newly popular ‘anti-LGBTI propaganda laws’ to silence LGBTI artists, while these legal instruments are inconsistent with international human rights standards in the first place.”

The pioneering Freemuse report, reveals that even though LGBTI artists have been facing different types of discrimination in many different social, political, and legal contexts no laws, traditions, or religions can entirely stop artistic expression around these issues.

The report was launched on Human Rights Day 2020 during the online event co-organised with the City of Krakow. The event included a special address by Andrzej Kulig – First Deputy Mayor of the City of Krakow for Social and Municipal Policy, and a keynote speech by Maria Arena, Chair Subcommittee on Human Rights in the EU Parliament.

The event included a series of artistic performances, the report presentation, and a panel discussion.